The surface finish after shot peening can be improved by laping, honing, polishing, vibratory grinding, etc., as long as the temperature indused does not exeed the admissible amount and as long as material removal does not exeed 10 % of the compressive stress layer. Vibratory grinding before shot peening, round chamfers at the tip edges of the teeth of gears to prevent changes of the tooth profile grinding.
Shot peening and vibratory grinding completes each other or have the same purpose e.g. deburring, surface finis-hing, polishing, smouthening, round chamfering, surface structuring, decon-taminating, descaling, cleaning, stripping and fettling but act in a different way.
(only at Petershausen, aviation and motorsport components )
(the new production will be located at celle on September 16, 2024)